A Christmas Gift

A Christmas Gift (Four Seasons of Romance Book 1
A Christmas Gift (Four Seasons of Romance Book 1
Christmas gift

1) About the Kindle Edition.

Length: 31 pages

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Word Wise: Enabled

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Screen Reader: Supported

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Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

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Page Flip: Enabled

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Language: English

Text to Speech: Enabled

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2) About this item.


Holly and Caleb had been best friends as children, growing up on the same street, but as teenagers they couldn't be further apart. When Caleb unexpectedly asked Holly to help him pick out a Christmas gift for his girlfriend, neither of them anticipated where it would lead.

A young adult romantic comedy. A Christmas Gift is a sweet romance, suitable for ALL ages

"Oh what it is to be young and in love! A funny, light and frothy read." Janie Oakes, Teen Reader Today
